
proxy_content_filter and opendmarc milter at proxy smtpd

br flag

I set up the proxy_content_filter to inet: and in ##(DKIM: 8891, DMARC: 54321) inet n - n - - smtpd

and in logs opendmarc running too early:

Jul 23 12:42:07 mail postfix/smtpd[10474]: NOQUEUE:[]
Jul 23 12:42:07 mail postfix/10025/smtpd[10482]: connect from localhost[]
Jul 23 12:42:07 mail opendmarc[5415]: ignoring connection from localhost
Jul 23 12:42:07 mail postfix/10025/smtpd[10482]: 989FA60982: client=localhost[],[]

I want to opendmarc was after orig_client to check real client IP. What am I doing wrong ? Maybe proxy_content_filter should connect to real filter and after filtering inject to postfix on another port example 10026 ?

anx avatar
fr flag
Depending on your setup, it may be appropriate to attach the milter to a different smtpd instance, or pass the information you want through the XCLIENT/XFORWARD mechanisms.

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