
The ssh agent cannot 'resolve hostname' when called from within a bash script

ru flag

I have a bash script

scp -r some_directory remote_host:~

which I made executable with chmod u+x. The remote_host has been defined in my .ssh/config as follows:

Host remote_host
User ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/path_to_pem_file/pem_file.pem
IdentitiesOnly yes

when I call scp -r some_directory remote_host:~ or ssh remote_host it works without problems to access the remote machine via ssh. However inside the bash script it doesn't work. I get the following error:

ssh: Could not resolve hostname mochacle: Name or service not known
lost connection
ssh: Could not resolve hostname mochacle: Name or service not known
ssh: Could not resolve hostname mochacle: Name or service not known

irrespective of whether I sudo the execution of the script or not.

Zac67 avatar
ru flag
Have you tried the FQDN?
ph flag
When you run the script with `sudo`, it's running as root and hence will look in root's ~/.ssh/config file, not yours; if that doesn't have an entry for remote_host, you'll get this result. When you use the script without `sudo` and get this error, are you also running it as root (or some other user) via some other means?
ru flag
@Zac67: What is FQDN?
ru flag
@Gordon Davisson: I will try this tomorrow. I think this is the issue.
ph flag
@Marlo FQDN = Fully Qualified Domain Name, i.e. That is, have you tried `sudo scp -r -i ~/path_to_pem_file/pem_file.pem some_directory -o IdentitiesOnly=yes [email protected]:~`

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