
Rails app reload is too slow on production using Puma and Nginx

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I have a little bit bigger project on Rails (6.0.1), running on latest Puma, using socket with latest Nginx and Debian system.

App works great, but when I perform reload :

rbenv exec bundle exec pumactl -F ... restart

It takes a huuuuge time with loading page for users. It is around 2 minutes. But when I try it on test environment it restarts in 15 seconds.

So I think it should be something with workers (because production is under load) maybe nginx keepalive, I don't know, and I am asking for help.

I am using Bootsnap, and I tried to find problem with Bumbler, I found that we have 1 slow scanning path, but it is around 20 seconds, not too much. I will improve in next step. This scan path should slow down test environment also.

I am little bit lost, because I had this same application on older system with Rails 6 and few older gems (but not much) it worked fine, reload at 3 - 5 secs and I moved it on new server and problem appears. On former server I did not have access to Nginx config file.

Please any suggestions.


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