
Error trying to ban ip addresses from apache with fail2ban: Sorry but the jail 'apache' does not exist

us flag

I want to use fail2ban to block specific ip addresses with:

sudo fail2ban-client set apache banip

I get:

 NOK: ('apache',)
Sorry but the jail 'apache' does not exist

I'm also confused because the jail.conf file does not contain an entry for [apache]. I tried adding it manually and restarting fail2ban. That didn't help.

All the tutorials I've found talk about the [apache] jail but it's absent on my stock version of jail.conf.

I'm running Debian 10 (buster).

jp flag

There may not be a single [apache] jail, but it might be split to multiple jails for different purposes. As the [apache] jail is typically handling the authentication failures, you could be looking for [apache-auth].

Additionally, there might be [apache-noscript] to detect clients trying to find exploitable scripts, [apache-overflows] for suspiciously long requests, and [apache-badbots] for known user-agents of spammer robots etc. The name for [apache-fakegooglebot] is self-explanatory.

us flag
Thanks. Yes, I've seen those jails in the config file. So it doesn't really matter which jail I add the ip address ban to?
jp flag
All `[apache-*]` jails on Debian 10 have `port = http,https` by default. Therefore, manually adding an IP address to any of these jails will block its access to ports `80` and `443`.

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