
Request header read timeout, DOS attack?

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I have a –draft– server with Debian 10, Apache 2.4.38 and a few –rather empty– VHosts with GnuTLS. No proxy nor Nginx.

Every now and then, I get zillions of “AH01382: Request header read timeout” all coming from one IP, in the logs.

Usually, only one IP at a time. Normal navigation on those sites don't produce this, including webcrawlers'.

It can produce gigas of log lines in minutes, with thousands of requests in a hundredth of a second.

Those IPs are NXDOMAIN in a host request. My only solution at the moment is to netfiler DROP those IPs, AND restart apache server by hand. (I don't have a proper netfilter protection yet, rate limitation is needed here. Advice welcome.)

So tell me, this doesn't look like a server misconfiguration, does it? I mean, apart from info log level and lack of firewalling.

I don't find any reference on the web to such an attack, but it seems to me it is one, though quite a blind and weak DOS attempt. Any idea?


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