
AWS Ubuntu instance keeps dropping ssh connections

us flag

My AWS LightSail Ubuntu instances used to allow my ssh clients to stay connected forever. However, a newly created Ubuntu 20.04 instance now keeps dropping the ssh connection, even though connections on the same PC to other cloud Ubuntu instances remain uninterrupted. I am unable to tell whether it is due to inactivity.

I check /etc/ssh/sshd_config and the following are all unset:

#TCPKeepAlive yes
#ClientAliveInterval 0
#ClientAliveCountMax 3

What could be causing the connection to drop?

Tim avatar
gp flag
I can't help with why, but I can tell you my EC2 Ubuntu instance have never disconnected my ssh session.
bd flag

Looking at your SSH logs should tell you why a connection was closed. On Ubuntu, you can find the logs under /var/log/auth.log.


Aug 2 09:40:40 ubuntu sshd[25405]: Received disconnect from port 54936:11: Connection terminated by the client.

Based on the listed reason you can make the necessary modifications.


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