
Can a replica to an RDS MySQL instance be setup outside RDS?

ca flag

I have a running RDS Mysql 5.7 instance that I would like to replicate to a MySQL 8 instance running on a Linux server (not on RDS).

Is this possible? I cannot find an option to do this from the dashboard.

ke flag

you can do that with database migration tools.

see the last section of this page

ca flag
This page is about moving MySQL from on-premise to AWS. Not what my question. I want to create a live replica from RDS to on-premise, as in the master instance is RDS and the slave is on-premise.
uday avatar
ke flag
you mean this?
us flag
I think EastsideDev means the other way around. Source is RDS, destination is a stand-alone server.
ca flag
No, Attunity is not a real time replication service and it's a third party tool
ca flag
@TeroKilkanen yes and it needs to be realtime not a tool that saves the data to a local disk and then you upload. This is realtime replication/

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