
SFTP - Match Group ignore in sshd_config

ru flag

I have the following settings, and I restart the sshd service every time I make a change.

Match Group sftp_users                                                                                                                 
ChrootDirectory /home/sftp-data                                                                                                        
ForceCommand internal-sftp 

But when I log into the server, it goes to the server's root directory. If I remove the Match Group line, it works as expected changing the root to /home/sftp-data and logging the user straight to its home dir.

The group name is correct. I've also tried using Match User with the user name, and no luck.

/home/ and /home/sftp-data are owned by root. in /home/sftp-data I have a directory m that is owned by my sftp user. The sftp user's home directory is specified as /m.

"OpenSSH_8.2p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1g FIPS 21 Apr 2020"

What could be wrong?


This is the user info

$ id sftp_user
uid=1002(sftp_user) gid=1002(sftp_users) groups=1002(sftp_users)

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