
Windows firewall ipv6 loopback issue

cn flag

I received it on my windows firewall log: DROP TCP ::1 ::1 53264 47001

I tried to add ipv6 ::1 or any other ipv6 loopback address to the firewall rule but received only the message below: An unspecified, multicast, broadcast and loopback IPv6 address was specified windows firewall.

I found some same question in Where was indicated that : "This is a Windows Firewall limitation. You can not specify any loopback, broadcast or multicast IPv6 address."

What should I do?

Andro Leo avatar
cn flag
Link to the photo which indicated the error message:
Michael Hampton avatar
cz flag
Dropping localhost traffic is a great way to break your computer's services. Don't even make the attempt.
Andro Leo avatar
cn flag
@MichaelHampton thank you for the information about it, but how I may add to the exceptions ipv6 loopback IP address to the windows firewall rule? p.s. It is on my VM
Michael Hampton avatar
cz flag
That's very strange because nothing should be blocking ::1 anyway.
Andro Leo avatar
cn flag
@MichaelHampton I have a windows firewall rule which configured as: allow only 64000-65535. The DROP occurs on 47001 which is not included in the rule above. I create a custom rule configured as: allow IP any/any remote port 47001 and I didn't receive any DROP on windows FW. But I want to allow only IPv6 loopback address for this port and rule.Because request comes from ::1 which is IPv6 loopback address. P.S. the DROP coming from and ::1.
Andro Leo avatar
cn flag
@MichaelHampton above comment wrong. I checked again. I still receive DROP on firewall log. Only when IP any/any and port any/any I don't receive any drop.

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