whenever i try to delete some items from a tracker via the list display, it throws me this error
Request could not be completed due to problems encountered in the security check. There was no security ticket submitted with the
request. For more information in the future, administrators can define
the error_log setting in the php.ini file.

if i delete the item via item contex-menue, it's working without error.

This error occurs also on other occations, even it sometimes seems to have no effect and the functionality of the page seems not been broken. But sometimes the functionality just does not work, like when e.g deleting tracker items via list menue.
I did not found any mentioning of those "security check" in the TikiWiki docu. Someone can point me to that stuff?
i found a apache log entry that points to that problem
[Wed Aug 11 17:45:42.040311 2021] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 1395:tid
139697527432960] [client **ip_address**:44012] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message:
**** Start CSRF error fromlocalhost *****
There was no security ticket submitted with the request.
site_security_timeoutpreference:1440seconds(24 minutes)
SCRIPT_NAME: /tiki-view_tracker.php
REQUEST_URI: /tracker2
HTTP_ORIGIN: https://localhost:8443
HTTP_REFERER: https://localhost:8443/tracker2
PHP message:
$_GET: {
"trackerId": "2"
Press [Enter] to continue:
$_POST: {
"action": [
"batchaction": "delete",
"trackerId": "2",
"act": "OK"
**** End CSRF error fromlocalhost *****', referer: