I inherited the management of a MS365 (former Office 365) and local Active Directory system. The old server was toast and I created a whole new Active Directory domain on new hardware.
On the new AD domain many users have the same email adresses as on the old domain and it seems that this causes problems.
My goal
Is to overwrite all users on MS 365 with my new users on my AD.
The Problem
When I installed AD Sync it did create all new users but now I'm getting daily emails of failed sync of 100+ users.
Azure Active Directory is reporting them as "duplicate attirbutes"

AAD is reporting duplicate ProxyAdresses for almost all users who were present on the old domain. Strangely, none of the users do have a value in the proxyAdresses field in the local AD

When I dig deeper into the individual errors it states that a user like the following has the same SMTP address on premises and on Azure

I would like to merge these two into one or overwrite the new one (from AD) to AAD
MS official guide suggests using idfix which after querying is not showing anything wrong with the AD Domain.

- Is there a way I can "overwrite" the users on MS365 with my new users with the same email adresses?
- If not, can I "clean" my MS365 domain so I can start a fresh sync with no users (I understand that this means all existing users will lose their data)