
Linux cli pipeline command tail and grep

eg flag

I am using tail to monitor a log file and using grep to filer the keyword.

tail -F somefile.log | grep "keyword" is working tail -F somefile.log | awk '{print $4}' is working

but if to put them together is not working, like tail -F somefile.log | grep "keyword" | awk '{print $4}'

Is this the wrong way to use |? How to make tail -F somefile.log | grep "keyword" | awk '{print $4}' to work? Thanks

if I want to run a command after awk like tail -F somefile.log | grep "keyword" | awk '{print $4}' | ./ how to achieve something like this, looks like multiple | is not quite right for combining everything in 1 line. Thanks

Michael Hampton avatar
cz flag
It seems fine. What exactly do you mean by "not working"?
mx flag

You can do it with awk alone:

tail -f somefile.log | awk '/keyword/ {print $4}'
eg flag
Thanks for the answer, I am trying to figure out multiple `|`. eg I want to run a command after print `tail -f somefile.log | awk '/keyword/ {print $4}' | echo "received" >> file` looks the extra `|` is not something to be used?
digijay avatar
mx flag
You can combine as many pipes as you want/need in one line. What exactly is not working for you?
eg flag
Thanks! I wanted to do something like `tail -f somefile.log | awk '/keyword/ {print $4}' | echo {print $4}(get the result) >> filename (to another file)`

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