
How do I change MySQL wait_timeout in production environment at runtime?

gl flag

I'm running Windows, IIS, MySQL, PHP.

In my.ini under [mysqld] the value for wait_timeout is set to 60.

wait_timeout = 60

But when I execute the following:

show variables like 'wait_timeout';

It shows me that the value is 28800, which I know is the default.

So I tried to set the value by executing the following:

SET GLOBAL wait_timeout = 60;

But this doesn't seem to work. MySql Workbench tells me "0 rows(s) affected" and when I execute show variables like 'wait_timeout' it still tells me that the value is 28800.

I've also checked interactive_timeout and the story is the same. The value is 28800 and I can't change it.

What am I missing here?

MohammadReza moeini avatar
us flag
Please check topic:
Wilson Hauck avatar
jp flag
When you want to know value of wait_timeout there are two distinct values. SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'wait_timeout'; and SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE 'wait_timeout'. SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'wait_timeout' assumes you are wanting the session variable. wait_timeout controls inactivity timeout for usual processing, interactive_timeout controls idle time tolerance (seconds) when using MySQL Command Prompt for processing. When you want to SET SESSION wait_timeout; you need to immediately follow with the request you want to run because a new MySQL command prompt is another session.
Wilson Hauck avatar
jp flag
Vince, Great to see you again on SF.
gl flag

The answer is to set the value without the GLOBAL keyword.

SET wait_timeout = 60;
ua flag

GLOBAL setting are copied into your SESSION settings when you connect. Use either of these syntaxes:

SET @@... = ...;
SET SESSION ... = ...;

wait_timeout refers to how soon before you will be disconnected. Is that what you want?

Furthermore, there is some confusion over "batch" versus "interactive" timeout. Good look.

gl flag
I was unable to get it to work with the "@@" but using the SESSION keyword was key! Thank you.
ua flag
@Vincent - I do make mistakes. Fixed.
gl flag
Sorry I changed my accepted answer. I was just reviewing this and realized that although your answer set me on the right path it was not the ultimate solution so I thought for future visitors it would be more helpful to highlight the correct solution with a green check mark.

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