
Installing Node on a server with no internet, with ansible/nvm?

cn flag

I have a little puzzle.

I'm trying to get Ansible to deploy NodeJS to a server(s) that do not have access to download Node from the official website. Really, no access to the web (And enabling isn't an option). But I am able to send stuff to the servers from a trusted box.

I'd like to get the node deployment and versioning codified, hence trying to use Ansible with NVM. But NVM doesn't seem to have a "force download of binary that matches a specific linux key/architecture that is different than host machine" option.

Meaning, the trusted server is a different Linux distro than the target servers. So I need something like:

  1. Download node that matches a specific archicture/linux kernel
  2. Copy to the server
  3. Set up the shell environment

In a scalable way. Worst case is I make a custom playbook but would really like to rely on other's work.

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You already have the procedure figured out. Implement it. If you are hoping for existing solutions, such recommendations are off topic.
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Another option would be to use containers.

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