
How to scale OpenVPN when client-to-client is a must?

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I am trying to create an OpenVPN server cluster that can autoscale, I have found a lot of information online on how to create such a network.

As far as I understand, you basically use a round-robin DNS, and few OpenVPN servers, the clients simply connect to the DNS and are assigned one of the OpenVPN servers to connect to.

However, my setup requires that all clients will be visible to each other, so I am using the client-to-client configuration. If each of the clients will be assigned a random OpenVPN server, they will not be able to communicate with each other, only clients that happened to be on the same exact server will be able to communicate.

How do I scale an OpenVPN cluster that needs client-to-client communication on all clients?

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Have some name resolution, or name registration system so that clients on all VPN servers register their name and IP they get assigned, so they can resolve and connect to each other by IP.

Then just make sure you setup routing properly and don't use any NAT on the VPN servers. So if you have on VPN, and, setup IP routing so those two subnets can reach each other.

This would mostly just be a standard site-to-site VPN routing setup which also requires proper routing setup. Just have multiple servers set up.

roee klinger avatar
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The first part I understand and have already set up, on the second part I am a bit confused. Let’s say I have 2 servers (, and each has 2 clients ( + and +, now I want to be able to talk to for example, how would I start working on that?
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Are you using TAP (bridging)? The addresses you showed me suggests you are? Bridging generally sucks, avoid that. Use tun (routed) VPNs, then it is just standard IP routing. Create routes on each device for networks on the other.

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