
How can i connect OPNsense router to Mikrotik Switch

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I've encountered this situation where I'm to access the switch from my router: Here is what i have set:

  • Lan (DHCP , DHCPIPV6)
  • Mikrotik (DHCP,DHCPIPV6) [connected to Mikrotik network switch]
  • VLAN_Mikrotik (DHCP, DHCPIPV6)

click on this image to see it

When i type (Mikrotik Default IP) i cannot access it. Because this is my very first time to do this so it would be best that you can guide me on how to do it.

Michael Hampton avatar
cz flag
None of your interfaces have that IP address.
Francabicon avatar
in flag
@MichaelHampton Can you please elaborate further
Michael Hampton avatar
cz flag
You said: "When i type (Mikrotik Default IP) i cannot access it." But the configuration you show has no interface with that IP address.

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