
MySQL 1 schema, 1 filesystem

ge flag

This is a ''general'' question. Hear me out.

Let's say I have a MySQL standalone or even a 3 or 5 nodes cluster. Would it be a good practice to have 1 filesystem per schema ?

For example, schema{1..5} would go in /var/lib/mysql/data/schema{1..5}

And I am not talking about RAID level under theses filesystems here... Just, plain FS. Let assume I use XFS here.

What gain would I potentially gain from it ?

  • Easier FS backup or even (LVM) backup/snapshot ?
  • Performance ?
  • Faster node data replication ?

What else...

ua flag

"1 filesystem per schema" on a single physical drive -- NO!

  • No performance advantage.
  • No replication advantage.
  • A big maintenance DISadvantage when one schema starts to exceed its filesystem. Then you have to stop everything and repartition the disk!
  • LVM snapshot is fast anyway; being "faster" is not worth the other issues.
  • RAID striping gives some performance advantage without the other issues. But that assumes you have multiple physical drives.
  • If you expecting to have more than a terabyte in one schema, then say so. That could lead to a different discussion.
ge flag
Yeah. Well. I dinde't want to imply RAID in the question as there is already RAID behind. As for LVM, you are right... It's already fast enough.

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