
docker-compose php files are updated but not executed

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I am in a weird condition with docker-compose that I cannot explain.

I have installed a docker-compose with three services to serve Symfony project. The services are php-fpm, mysql and nginx.

So far I have installed all properly, and the Symfony is running as expected, but, when I do a change on a php file on the host machine, and I refresh the browser, then the changes are not reflected on my browser.

At the same time, if run the commands docker -it exec PHP-CONTAINER-ID sh or docker -it exec NGINX-CONTAINER-ID bash and then in both scenarios execute the more /srv/api/Serializer/SerializerContextBuilder.php I can see the changes I did on my host machine in both sides (nginx and php-fpm)

I run the docker on an Ubuntu 20.04 system.

Docker Version: Docker version 20.10.7, build f0df350

Docker Compose Version: docker-compose version 1.27.4, build 40524192

Any idea of what can make this issue? Is there anyone have experienced such a weird case and if so how solved it?


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