
How do you use wazuh with cert-manager in kubernetes?

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The wazuh kubernetes install instructions uses self signed certificates.

Is there a way to use cert-manager/LetsEncrypt certificates instead?

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For Kibana, you can easily use Trusted CA Signed SSL Certificates, for example Let's Encrypt, by placing them in cert/kibana_http/

cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/<site-address>/privkey.pem certs/kibana_http/key.pem
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/<site-address>/fullchain.pem certs/kibana_http/cert.pem

For internal communications between the different Wazuh components, self-signed certificates are a good option given that they all verify the CA through a local file. Self-signed certificates also avoid the need for FQDN which is required to get a certificate from a Trusted CA.

Jethro avatar
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Thanks! I looked at the self signed certs and they default to 10 years so renewal won't be an issue. Will look at using signed certs for kibana. Thanks!

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