
Can't mount any SMB with vers greater than 1 on Debian

cn flag

I'm trying to mount a samba folder from a Debian Bullseye but I don't want to use NT1.

this is the line I have in /etc/fstab:

//192.168.1.X/folder    /media/folder    cifs    guest,uid=redacted,gid=redacted,file_mode=0666,dir_mode=0777,noperm,auto    0    0

that works but when I check in the server the smbstatus I can see it connect using NT1.

I don't want that (I only allowed it to keep it running until I find a solution to this) but the only solution I found was adding vers=3 to the fstab, but when I do I get the following erros from dmesg, no mater what version I add:

[252690.164964] CIFS VFS: Unknown vers= option specified: 2
[252690.172709] CIFS VFS: Unknown vers= option specified: 3
[252690.180597] CIFS VFS: Unknown vers= option specified: 3.02
[252690.187548] CIFS VFS: Unknown vers= option specified: 3.11

And I don't know why, as far as I know I can connect to the server with SMB3 from this client, using smbclient //192.168.1.X/folder -o guest,vers=3 connects successfully and I can list my files or whatever I want.

At this point I'm lost and don't know what to do. Help, please.

Versions may be useful, those are the ones I have:

uname -a:
Linux pi3 4.9.280-sun50iw9 #2 SMP PREEMPT Wed Aug 25 20:03:20 UTC 2021 aarch64 GNU/Linux

samba -V:
Version 4.13.5-Debian

mount.cifs -V:
mount.cifs version: 6.11


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