Even though you didn't actually provide any information on how your code was failing, there are some obvious issues. Ansible is not shell, and you cannot access Ansible variables using shell syntax. You also have different variable names in your code (javaurl
) and in your example CLI invocation (java_url
). I've arbitrarily chosen to use java_url below.
There are multiple ways to start fixing the existing task.
# Consistently use Jinja
- name: Download Java to Latest Version
shell: |
mkdir /opt/java
cd /opt/java
wget -c --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" {{ java_url }}
tar -xzvf {{ (java_url | urlsplit).path | basename }}
# Consistently use shell variables
- name: Download Java to Latest Version
shell: |
mkdir /opt/java
cd /opt/java
wget -c --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" $java_url
tar -xzvf ${java_url##*/}
java_url: "{{ java_url }}"
However, instead of fixing your shell script, you should rewrite it using Ansible's builtin features for doing this work.
- name: Create /opt/java
dest: /opt/java
state: directory
- name: Download the Java JDK
url: "{{ java_url }}"
dest: /opt/java
Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie
register: result
- name: Extract the Java JDK
src: "{{ result.dest }}"
remote_src: true
dest: /opt/java