This is a playbook part of a role that talks with vmware.
I'm is trying to set a custom fact (target_vm) that receive the virtual machine name.
But when I Print it's value with the debug module it apears to be empty.
It seams that the set_fact is correctly set because the debug output shows {"ansible_facts": {"target_vm": "TESTVM"}.
I've also made a Fail task that reveals if the target_vm fact is set or not.
This is the Playbook
- delegate_to: localhost
become: no
delegate_facts: yes
vc_hostname: ''
vc_username: 'bio.local\ansible'
vc_password: "{{ v_pass }}"
vm_uuid: '4217200F-46D2-C9FD-E7FD-768D21B327E8' | lower
- name: Gather only registered virtual machines
hostname: '{{ vc_hostname }}'
username: '{{ vc_username }}'
password: '{{ vc_password }}'
validate_certs: False
vm_type: vm
delegate_to: localhost
register: virtual_info
no_log: true
- name: Get VM name from UUID
target_vm: "{{ my_item.guest_name }}"
loop: "{{ virtual_info.virtual_machines }}"
when: my_item.uuid == vm_uuid
loop_var: my_item
delegate_to: localhost
delegate_facts: True
- name: Verify interface name is set
msg: "Could not determine target_vm name!"
when: target_vm is not defined
- name: Print Output
msg: "The VM name is: {{ target_vm }}"
This is the output
TASK [vmwaretaks : Get VM name from UUID] ***************************************************************************************
ok: [testvm] => (item={'guest_name': 'TESTVM', 'guest_fullname': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)', 'power_state': 'poweredOn', 'ip_address': '', 'mac_address': ['00:32:52:97:e9:c8'], 'uuid': '4217200f-46d2-c9fd-e7fd-768d21b327e8', 'vm_network': {'00:32:52:97:e9:c8': {'ipv4': [''], 'ipv6': ['fe80::250:56ff:fe97:d4c3']}}, 'esxi_hostname': '', 'cluster': 'JAS-Lab-DEP', 'attributes': {}, 'tags': []}) => {"ansible_facts": {"target_vm": "TESTVM"}, "ansible_loop_var": "my_item", "changed": false, "my_item": {"attributes": {}, "cluster": "JAS-Lab-DEP", "esxi_hostname": "", "guest_fullname": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)", "guest_name": "TESTVM", "ip_address": "", "mac_address": ["00:32:52:97:e9:c8"], "power_state": "poweredOn", "tags": [], "uuid": "4217200f-46d2-c9fd-e7fd-768d21b327e8", "vm_network": {"00:32:52:97:e9:c8": {"ipv4": [""], "ipv6": ["fe80::250:56ff:fe97:d4c3"]}}}}
TASK [vmwaretaks : Verify interface name is set] ********************************************************************************
fatal: [testvm]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Could not determine target_vm name!"}
PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************
testvm : ok=13 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=2 rescued=0 ignored=0