I have an issue with IPv6 on my server. I have nginx configured to listen on port 443 from IPv4 and IPv6. And it works great: my webiste is available form Internet with TLS enabled.
Things get complicated when I activate nftables: when I am accessing my website from IPv4 it works, but when I access it from IPv6 connections time out :(
Output of sudo nft list ruleset
table inet filter {
chain INPUT {
type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop;
meta nftrace set 1
ct state established,related accept comment "allow established connections"
iif "lo" accept comment "allow all from localhost"
iif != "lo" ip daddr counter packets 0 bytes 0 drop comment "drop connections to loopback not coming from loopback"
iif != "lo" ip6 daddr ::1 counter packets 0 bytes 0 drop comment "drop connections to loopback not coming from loopback"
iifname "tunnel0" accept comment "allow all from VPN"
udp dport 12345 accept comment "allow VPN on port 12345"
tcp dport { 22, 80, 443 } accept comment "allow HTTP, HTTPS and SSH on classic ports"
chain OUTPUT {
type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;
chain FORWARD {
type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
Output of sudo nft monitor trace | grep 443
trace id 76d7cb1a inet filter INPUT packet: iif "eth0" ether saddr AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA ether daddr BB:BB:BB:BB:BB:BB ip6 saddr 2a01:cb09:804b:cd61:CCCC:CCCC:CCCC:CCCC ip6 daddr 2001:CCCC:CCCC:CCCC::CCCC ip6 dscp cs0 ip6 ecn not-ect ip6 hoplimit 45 ip6 flowlabel 0 ip6 nexthdr tcp ip6 length 40 tcp sport 53184 tcp dport 443 tcp flags == syn tcp window 22240
Note I do not have this issue with ssh on port 22. I am running nftables v0.9.8 (E.D.S.)
on Debian 11.
I almost spent a day looking for the solution. Any help is welcome! Thank