
getpeername failed: Bad file descriptor

ma flag

I run script from an OracleLinux 8.4 VM (with NatNetwork configured on VirtualBox) on my Windows 10 pc, to remote hosts using jump host.

My PC can't connect directly to remote hosts, but need to pass by jump host after connect to VPN.

This is my env:

Server IP
Windows PC LAN:
Windows PC VPN:
OracleLinux VM:
Jump Host 90.x.x.x

I use these parameters in my scirpt:

-o ProxyCommand="sshpass -p $SSHPASS ssh -vvv -W %h:%p ispjh" 
-o PubkeyAuthentication=no 
-o PreferredAuthentications=password 
-o PasswordAuthentication=yes 
-o ControlMaster=auto 
-o ControlPersist=60s 
-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null 
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no 

this is my ssh conf on VM: [root@VM ~]# cat ~/.ssh/config Host * TCPKeepAlive no ServerAliveInterval 300 ServerAliveCountMax 1296000

Host jumphost jumphost.mydonain.local
Hostname jumphost.mydonain.local
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p
DynamicForward 1083

I create a SSH tunneling before (with the command: ssh jumphost -v) and after I run the scripts, but when I run the script (on a new shell), after some time I receive this errors:
from SSH tunnelling connection:

debug1: getpeername failed: Bad file descriptor
debug1: channel 5: free: direct-tcpip: listening port 0 for port 22, connect from port 65535 to UNKNOWN port 65536, nchannels 9

and sometime the script return and the connection dropped. How can I fix this problem? Thanks for the support.


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