You can do that like this:
ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DKIM
score DKIM_SIGNED -0.01
(Assigning a zero score to a rule disables its evaluation, so !DKIM_SIGNED
would always be true. The solution is to give it a trivial score. It also uses a conditional to ensure the plugin is loaded, as otherwise !DKIM_SIGNED
would again always be true.)
⚠ However, I recommend neither that nor tinkering with DKIM/SPF weights.
Lots of spammers and dirty marketers implement SPF and DKIM. Then there's all of the attacks that come in through freemail providers like GMail, Yahoo, Hotmail/Outlook, etc. Those infrastructures all have proper DKIM and SPF signing. You'd be giving all of them a big ham weight (-2), making it that much harder for SpamAssassin to convict them.
Similarly, lots of legitimate mails fail to use (or correctly implement) either SPF or DKIM.
You can look this up and see: Consider the public SpamAssassin Rule QA logs for 2022-01-12. Since these don't run the DKIM plugin on all tests, let's look at __DKIM_EXISTS (there is a DKIM signature header) instead of DKIM_SIGNED (there is a properly-formatted DKIM signature header) or DKIM_VALID (it matches). __DKIM_EXISTS is nearly identical to DKIM_SIGNED.
22.5% of spam and 71.4% of ham have DKIM, meaning 87.5% of spam and 38.6% of ham lack it.
Do you really want to remove 2 points from a ~quarter of your spam and add 1 point to a ~third of your ham?
Instead, I'd recommend explicitly blessing known-safe domains:
whitelist_from_dkim * *
whitelist_from_spf * *
This allows valid DKIM-signed and SPF-authorized mail from just the listed domains. You can also use def_whitelist_from_dkim
and def_whitelist_from_spf
for lighter ham weights.
You could also consider doing this automatically via TxRep, but only after making sure you're properly using IP DNSBLs (see DnsBlocklists). I'd say DNSBLs and Bayesian content inspection are the two best weapons to combat spam overall.