
What is igrid server - port 19000?

in flag

Recently our monitoring tools is reporting a port as down, the port number is 19000.

I have never seen this port before and I don't find out good information. Doing some tests, I've seen I can telnet it using localhost, but not ipaddres/hostname:

[root@server01 ~]# telnet 19000
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
[root@server01 ~]# telnet localhost 19000
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

Also, it is used by some java process and informix database:

[root@server01 ~]# lsof -iTCP:19000

java    14492 java_user   93u  IPv6 133689854      0t0  TCP localhost:38902->localhost:igrid (ESTABLISHED)
oninit  25235 informix   12u  IPv4 133689855      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid->localhost:38902 (ESTABLISHED)
oninit  25277 informix    3u  IPv4  33431811      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid (LISTEN)
oninit  25277 informix    6u  IPv4 133689855      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid->localhost:38902 (ESTABLISHED)
oninit  25278 informix    7u  IPv4 133689855      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid->localhost:38902 (ESTABLISHED)
oninit  25280 informix    4u  IPv4 133689855      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid->localhost:38902 (ESTABLISHED)
oninit  25281 informix    4u  IPv4 133689855      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid->localhost:38902 (ESTABLISHED)
oninit  25282 informix    6u  IPv4 133689855      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid->localhost:38902 (ESTABLISHED)
oninit  25283 informix   11u  IPv4 133689855      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid->localhost:38902 (ESTABLISHED)
oninit  25284 informix    6u  IPv4 133689855      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid->localhost:38902 (ESTABLISHED)
oninit  25285 informix    6u  IPv4 133689855      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid->localhost:38902 (ESTABLISHED)
oninit  25286 informix    6u  IPv4 133689855      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid->localhost:38902 (ESTABLISHED)
oninit  25289 informix    6u  IPv4 133689855      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid->localhost:38902 (ESTABLISHED)
oninit  25290 informix   12u  IPv4 133689855      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid->localhost:38902 (ESTABLISHED)
oninit  25291 informix   12u  IPv4 133689855      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid->localhost:38902 (ESTABLISHED)
oninit  25292 informix   12u  IPv4 133689855      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid->localhost:38902 (ESTABLISHED)
oninit  25315     root    5u  IPv4  33431811      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid (LISTEN)
oninit  25319     root   22u  IPv4 133689855      0t0  TCP localhost:igrid->localhost:38902 (ESTABLISHED)

What is this? How can I allow this port for remote connections (our monitoring tool)? Recently the server has migrated from physical machine to virtual machine and now the monitoring tool cannot reach this port.

The /etc/services has:

igrid           19000/tcp               # iGrid Server
igrid           19000/udp               # iGrid Server
de flag

You can try to use ss and ps commands to check further. Example of output, replace 12345 with your PID:

$ sudo ss -lntp | grep :19000
LISTEN  0  128*  users:(("program-name",pid=12345,fd=62))

$ sudo ps aux | grep 12345
oioki  12345  0.4  1.9 5132596 238256 ?  Sl  09:33  3:06 /full/path/to/your/program-name

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