I am currently trying to fix an issue I am having with my reverse proxy for my node instance that I would like to be publicly accessible. (I haven't fixed it yet) However in one attempt to make sure all things were covered I disabled my firewall.
I then, enabled it again... And now, navigating to any site on my server results in beautiful 503!! https://warhammer.hutber.com/
I have to say, my knowledge is simple, check if its Listening... make it listen if it is not. So now I am just plain confused as to why none of my sites are working or what it could be.
oot@localhost:/var/www/api.miniatureawards.com# netstat -ntupl
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 82377/mysqld
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 82377/mysqld
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 655/systemd-resolve
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 812/sshd: /usr/sbin
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1618484/postgres
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1618484/postgres
tcp6 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN 1625969/apache2
tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN 812/sshd: /usr/sbin
tcp6 0 0 ::1:5432 :::* LISTEN 1618484/postgres
tcp6 0 0 :::443 :::* LISTEN 1625969/apache2
udp 0 0* 655/systemd-resolve
udp 0 0* 629/dhclient
udp6 0 0 fe80::250:56ff:fe24:546 :::* 685/dhclient
root@localhost:/var/www/api.miniatureawards.com# lsof -i
dhclient 629 root 9u IPv4 28685 0t0 UDP *:bootpc
systemd-r 655 systemd-resolve 12u IPv4 28761 0t0 UDP localhost:domain
systemd-r 655 systemd-resolve 13u IPv4 28762 0t0 TCP localhost:domain (LISTEN)
dhclient 685 root 8u IPv6 28664 0t0 UDP linux:dhcpv6-client
sshd 812 root 3u IPv4 31063 0t0 TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
sshd 812 root 4u IPv6 31065 0t0 TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
mysqld 82377 mysql 22u IPv4 2181171 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:33060 (LISTEN)
mysqld 82377 mysql 24u IPv4 2181173 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:mysql (LISTEN)
postgres 1618484 postgres 3u IPv4 31964403 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:postgresql (LISTEN)
postgres 1618484 postgres 4u IPv4 31964404 0t0 TCP localhost:postgresql (LISTEN)
postgres 1618484 postgres 5u IPv6 31964405 0t0 TCP localhost:postgresql (LISTEN)
postgres 1618484 postgres 9u IPv4 31964414 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:39691->localhost.localdomain:39691
postgres 1618486 postgres 9u IPv4 31964414 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:39691->localhost.localdomain:39691
postgres 1618487 postgres 9u IPv4 31964414 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:39691->localhost.localdomain:39691
postgres 1618488 postgres 9u IPv4 31964414 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:39691->localhost.localdomain:39691
postgres 1618489 postgres 9u IPv4 31964414 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:39691->localhost.localdomain:39691
postgres 1618490 postgres 9u IPv4 31964414 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:39691->localhost.localdomain:39691
postgres 1618491 postgres 9u IPv4 31964414 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:39691->localhost.localdomain:39691
apache2 1625969 root 4u IPv6 32061567 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
apache2 1625969 root 6u IPv6 32059812 0t0 TCP *:https (LISTEN)
apache2 1625970 www-data 4u IPv6 32061567 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
apache2 1625970 www-data 6u IPv6 32059812 0t0 TCP *:https (LISTEN)
apache2 1625971 www-data 4u IPv6 32061567 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
apache2 1625971 www-data 6u IPv6 32059812 0t0 TCP *:https (LISTEN)
apache2 1625972 www-data 4u IPv6 32061567 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
apache2 1625972 www-data 6u IPv6 32059812 0t0 TCP *:https (LISTEN)
apache2 1625973 www-data 4u IPv6 32061567 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
apache2 1625973 www-data 6u IPv6 32059812 0t0 TCP *:https (LISTEN)
apache2 1625974 www-data 4u IPv6 32061567 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
apache2 1625974 www-data 6u IPv6 32059812 0t0 TCP *:https (LISTEN)
apache2 1626046 www-data 4u IPv6 32061567 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
apache2 1626046 www-data 6u IPv6 32059812 0t0 TCP *:https (LISTEN)
apache2 1626054 www-data 4u IPv6 32061567 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
apache2 1626054 www-data 6u IPv6 32059812 0t0 TCP *:https (LISTEN)
The only other things that I can think might have possible affected... even though I am 99% sure after making each of these changes I did check and saw my graphql endpoint was still not accessible. I reset the apache2 service after each of these... so I only have 1% fear!
- setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on
- useradd XXX