
GIT-SCM bash.exe doesn't work from "Enter-PSSession -Computer myServer"?

jm flag

Let's suppose I download and install Git-SCM on a remote windows 10 computer using this installer:

I unzip this exe installation file to the directory C:\GitPortable on the computer myserver. Which means on this computer I can start bash from powershell by typing:

PS> $env:path = "C:\PortableGit\usr\bin;$env:path"

PS> bash
dude@myserver ~
$ # now i'm at a BASH shell prompt!

Now, for my problem. I want to Enter-PSSession from another computer on my network, and start BASH shell from the remote interactive powershell session. But, it doesn't work even though bash.exe is a command line program. Example:

PS> Enter-PSSession -Computer MyServer

[myServer]: PS>  $env:path = "C:\PortableGit\usr\bin;$env:path"

[myServer]: PS>  bash

[myServer]: PS>  cd C:\PortableGit\usr\bin

[myServer]: PS>  dir bash.exe

-a----         8/24/2021   6:24 AM        1963639 bash.exe

[myServer]: PS>  .\bash.exe
[myServer]: PS>

However, bash works if I put "--help":

[myServer]: PS> bash --help
GNU bash, version 4.4.23(1)-release-(x86_64-pc-msys)
Usage:  /usr/bin/bash [GNU long option] [option] ...
        /usr/bin/bash [GNU long option] [option] script-file ...
GNU long options:

I really needed to interactive bash shell from Enter-PSSession to work.. are their any work arounds to get an interactive bash shell to work remotely?

pico avatar
jm flag
The Git developers said that you potentially need to use winpty, so instead of "[myserver]: PS> bash", it would be "[myserver]: PS> winpty bash --login --interactive." Unfortunately, this gives the error message. "winpty : stdin is not a tty + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (stdin is not a tty:String) [], RemoteException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError"
pico avatar
jm flag

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