Let's suppose I download and install Git-SCM on a remote windows 10 computer using this installer:
I unzip this exe installation file to the directory C:\GitPortable on the computer myserver. Which means on this computer I can start bash from powershell by typing:
PS> $env:path = "C:\PortableGit\usr\bin;$env:path"
PS> bash
dude@myserver ~
$ # now i'm at a BASH shell prompt!
Now, for my problem. I want to Enter-PSSession from another computer on my network, and start BASH shell from the remote interactive powershell session. But, it doesn't work even though bash.exe is a command line program. Example:
PS> Enter-PSSession -Computer MyServer
[myServer]: PS> $env:path = "C:\PortableGit\usr\bin;$env:path"
[myServer]: PS> bash
[myServer]: PS> cd C:\PortableGit\usr\bin
[myServer]: PS> dir bash.exe
-a---- 8/24/2021 6:24 AM 1963639 bash.exe
[myServer]: PS> .\bash.exe
[myServer]: PS>
However, bash works if I put "--help":
[myServer]: PS> bash --help
GNU bash, version 4.4.23(1)-release-(x86_64-pc-msys)
Usage: /usr/bin/bash [GNU long option] [option] ...
/usr/bin/bash [GNU long option] [option] script-file ...
GNU long options:
I really needed to interactive bash shell from Enter-PSSession to work.. are their any work arounds to get an interactive bash shell to work remotely?