I'm not a sysAdmin/PowerShell guy per se, but am having trouble getting this Powershell query to work.
The need is to pull back all users in a specific Windows Security Group and format them in a specific way (shown below), however am having some problems identifying why my filter for Security Groups is not working and wonder if there's something wrong with how I have the filter set up.
$searcher.filter = "(&(memberof=CN=My Windows Security Group,OU=SecurityGroups,OU=Messaging,OU=Enterprise,DC=****,DC=****)(objectCategory=*))"
$results = $searcher.findall()
I have a breakpoint set up in PowerShell ISE however $results doesn't contain any values while debugging.
I modeled this from an existing script from a colleague, where it looks like he's querying a DL, and am seeing $results values when debugging this:
#DL Filter Example (works)
$Searcher.Filter = "(&(memberOf=CN=DL_TestApp_Admin,OU=Distribution Lists,OU=Messaging,OU=Enterprise,DC=dcInfo,DC=dcInfo,DC=****)(objectCategory=*))"
$results = $searcher.findall()
Here's the entire PS script (modified by me) that filters Windows Security Groups
$curdate = (Get-Date).ToString("MMddyyyy")
$baseDN = "LDAP://"
$Searcher = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$searcher.searchroot = new-object system.directoryservices.directoryentry($basedn)
#Windows Security Group Filter (doesn't work)
$searcher.filter = "(&(memberof=CN=My Windows Security Group,OU=SecurityGroups,OU=Messaging,OU=Enterprise,DC=****,DC=****)(objectCategory=*))"
$results = $searcher.findall()
#Build the dataset in specific format
$usercsv = $results | #-Object {
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
"User ID" = $_.properties['samAccountName'][0]
"User Role" = "Blah"
"Elevated Role" = "Y"
"Internal User" = "Y"
"Date of Last Login" = $null
"App Specific Info 1" = $null
"App Specific Info 2" = $null
"Account Creation Date" = $null
"Last Password Change Date" = $null
"User Email Address" = $_.properties['mail'][0]
"User First Name" = $null
"User Last Name" = $null
"App Specific Info 3" = $null
"Review Group" = $null
#export to csv
$usercsv | Select-Object -Property "User ID","User Role","Elevated Role","Internal User","Date of Last Login","App Specific Info 1","App Specific Info 2","Account Creation Date","Last Password Change Date","User Email Address","User First Name","User Last Name","App Specific Info 3","Review Group" | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path "UsersListing_$curdate.csv"
Write-Host "Wrote", $results.Count, "record(s)"
#removing last CR LF
#TODO: Move this to a common function in a separate script for all
scripts to call
$stream = [IO.File]::OpenWrite("UsersListing_$curdate.csv")
$stream.SetLength($stream.Length - 2)
Originally I had this written to run in a DevOps Poweshell release pipeline as follows to produce a csv file:
$Members = Get-ADGroup -Filter {Name -eq "WSG"} -Properties Member |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Member
$GlobalCatalog = "$((Get-ADDomainController -Discover).Name):xxxx"
$output = Foreach ($User in $Members)
Get-ADUser -Identity $User -Server $GlobalCatalog -Properties CN,
EmailAddress, AccountExpirationDate, Created, HomePage, LastLogonDate,
PasswordLastSet, whenCreated | Select-Object CN,
SamAccountName,EmailAddress, AccountExpirationDate, Created, Enabled,
HomePage, LastLogonDate, Name, PasswordLastSet, UserPrincipalName,
#output csv file
$output | Export-Csv $Env:TEMP\Users.csv -NoTypeInformation
In this case, it didn't matter the output format and I am not sure if I can modify this query to output the results into this format:
"User ID" = $_.properties['samAccountName'][0]
"User Role" = "Blah"
"Elevated Role" = "Y"
"Internal User" = "Y"
"Date of Last Login" = $null
"App Specific Info 1" = $null
"App Specific Info 2" = $null
"Account Creation Date" = $null
"Last Password Change Date" = $null
"User Email Address" = $_.properties['mail'][0]
"User First Name" = $null
"User Last Name" = $null
"App Specific Info 3" = $null
"Review Group" = $null
And the results from this query are in this particular format:
CN :
SamAccountName :
EmailAddress :
AccountExpirationDate :
Created :
Enabled :
HomePage :
LastLogonDate :
Name :
PasswordLastSet :
UserPrincipalName :
whenCreated :
Thanks in advance for any assistance.