
MinIO operator on minikube is not working

cn flag

I'm trying to use the MinIO operator on a minikube (1 node) deployed in an EC2 machine. The operator is deployed correctly and the same is for the tenant creation and it seems all good until I try to make a connection to the created tenant. In this case I receive a 500 internal server error then I'm unable to create buckets or to use the mc client that MinIO provides. I tried both with the MinIO console (using a port-forward) and the command line minio command to create the tenant and both worked.

This is what I see with kubectl:

mc test:

kubectl get all -n minio-tenant-aisync:

kubectl get all --all-namespaces:

I am new to Kubernetes and MinIO then I don't know if I am missing something, could you help me please?

in flag
Hi Salvatore Coluccia welcome to S.F. As I previously [asked you nicely](, please don't post textual content as screenshots; it impairs searching, is hard to read, and is explicitly mentioned in the [how to ask]( page. You are getting help _for free_ on the Internet, so please be considerate of your reader's time and help them to help you. Good luck

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