
Permanently add to $PATH on MacOS

kr flag

I am trying to add to my $PATH on MacOS (Monterey)

When I use

export PATH=$PATH:~/.composer/vendor/bin

It will add it to $PATH and I can see it when I use

echo $PATH

However when I reboot the computer, that item is removed from $PATH and needs to be added again.

Is there a way to permanently add it to the $PATH?

One thing I have noticed is that there is no ~/.profile file.

Do I need to make one and add something to it?

uz flag

It depends on the shell you're using. If you use ZSH (the default shell for Catalina and newer systems) you should edit your .zshrc file (see more at

If you use BASH I would edit both your .bashrc and your .bash_profile files (supplementary information under


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