
Costraint group creation in Active Directory

us flag

I have an Active Directory deployment and I want to delegate to Site Admins the administration of their OUs. The Site Admins must be able to create AD groups and user; but my understanding is that the CNs of the Groups (and Users) is global, so two different OUs cannot include groups (and users) with the same CN.

I would like to constraint Site Admins to create groups or users whose name matches a specific naming convention: for example for a Site X, that Admin will be allowed to create groups on the site X OU, but I would like to constraint the site admin to create groups whose name starts with "SiteX_" .

Is it possible to apply contraints to the CN of users or groups created in a OU?

Semicolon avatar
jo flag
No, this is not natively possible. You would need to look at a third party tool, or an internally developed script/automation engine that could add in this capability for you.

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