
Is it possible to identify when a DynamoDB item is marked as expired

cn flag

According to the AWS Documentation for TTL, "How It Works: DynamoDB Time to Live (TTL)":

If the attribute is a Number data type, the attribute’s value is a timestamp in Unix epoch time format in seconds, and the timestamp value is older than the current time but not five years older or more (in order to avoid a possible accidental deletion due to a malformed TTL value), then the item is set to expired.

What I am wondering if there is some way, using the API, to identify whether a specfic item record is marked as "expired" or not.

I would imagine there would have to be since in theory almost everything that happens in AWS is done via the API and publicly available.

However it is possible that this is internal to DynamoDB. Would love to be able to find all tables that have been correctly marked as "Dynamodb will delete this soon" which haven't been deleted.


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