
How can I temporarily and remotely stop a cluster resource from failing over to another node (Windows Server 2008 R2)?

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Two Node Cluster, Windows Server 2008 R2.

I have a weekly script that runs and does some things to one of my applications, before this can happen I have to turn off an associated service. The issue is that if I just turn the resource off via powershell or pywin32, it will start back up on the other node in the cluster. I believe this is because "auto start", I would think I just need to disable that...the problem with this is that I can't find anyway to do that remotely. There does not seem to be any powershell or pywin32 command to do this. I do see a command to stop a node, if I stop the passive node, will this prevent the automatic start? I could turn off auto-start before this runs, but it almost defeats the purpose of automating this task and I may as well just stay online at the point to make sure it finishes running properly.

Forgive me if this does not make sense, server administration is not my expertise, this is just a secondary role I have at my job due to short staffing. We do have a server team, but they do everything via the GUI and could not help me figure this out.



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