The difference between a hub and a switch is that when a switch gets a collision, it either throws out the second packet, or it stores it and then forwards it when the first packet finishes; where a hub will merrily allow the collision to happen and just replaces the contents of the packet with 10101... to indicate that it was a collision and continues sending that until both packets have finished.
The solution here is to get rid of hubs, as they are obsolete. They stopped making hubs before 1G was available, so a hub has to be 100M or slower. The 1G network standard does not support hubs.
For a little history, before there were hubs, there were repeaters.
The difference between a repeater and a hub is that the repeater receives the analog signal, cleans it up slightly back into a nice square wave, and then retransmits it, where a hub actually looks at what is in the packet a little bit and tries to make sure the packet is well formed. However, neither one of them does anything to fix collisions, they just let them happen. Repeaters and hubs are from back when ethernet was considered to be an unbuffered bus and only one device on the network can speak at a time. When ethernet was a true bus (10base2 and 10base5), to start a packet, you transmit start bits (10101...) until the first bit reaches the furthest ends of the network, and if nobody else has interrupted you in the mean time, then you continue your packet. If you get interrupted, you have a collision and both parties back off and tries again at a random time later. If one party doesn't abort, then you have a late collision. Your hub is turning your late collisions into all start bits. Possibly something in the path is not recognizing the packet as a late collision and rather than dropping it is reforming it as a valid packet. Or your promiscuous packet sniffer sees invalid packets as well as valid ones.
Contrast this with a switch, which not only fixes collisions, but can support full duplex, where a packet is being transmitted while a different one is being received. The 100M standard supports switches that both do and do not support full duplex and this is negotiated between devices when the cable is plugged in. The 1G ethernet standard requires all devices to support full duplex, so a hub is not allowed on a 1G connection, and therefore, 1G hubs do not exist.