Have not found a built-in way to include container stats to the container's log, but part of our solution might get you part-way there:
We have a CRON job on the Docker host that executes this script every minute, resulting in a reverse-chronological* ordered log of the container's stats:
# statshot.sh
# docker stats-heading + stats to new log
docker stats --no-stream | grep -e 'CONTAINER' -e ${CONTAINER_NAME} | ts '[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M]' > ${LOG}_
# append lines from running log to new log
# (pre-touch incase it does not exist yet)
touch ${LOG}
grep ${CONTAINER_NAME} ${LOG} | head -${MAX_LINES} >> ${LOG}_
# replace running log with new log
mv ${LOG}_ ${LOG}
Run every minute and rolling off after 1440 lines, this gives us 24-hour history of the container's vitals.
For your needs (including stats in the container log) the log file generated on the host could just contain the single/current stats line, but written to a location that the container can read from, and a corresponding CRON job in the container echo it to console
* reverse-order is a side effect of wanting to include the Docker stats header but with a simpler script and less file I/O ... any script-fu suggestions to reduce file I/O further are welcome