
How to use EFI Shell to recover from SELinux Lockout?

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I enabled SELinux on my Centos 8 box and now I can't get back into the server. It's hosted with a company, so I don't have physical access to it. But I do have access to advanced boot options, including the EFI shell. I am thinking if I can get access to the partitions, I can disable SELinux like that. However, I don't know how to get to the files. I followed the instructions here but I get stuck on this part:

For example, to select the storage device fs1, you can run the following command:
Shell> fs1:

or in my case:

Shell> blk0:

However, when I type that, I still see:


When I am expecting to see:


If I type:


Then I get error:

'blk9:' is not a valid mapping

I dont get that if I type blk0. So it is aware of the mapping, it's just not switching folders.

Any thoughts on this?

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Can you mount an iso file to boot from?
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Maybe you don't even need that. Can you log in via the local console? Can you boot into single user mode?
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Did you try to just set selinux to permissive mode with the grub boot options?
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I ended up wiping the server and installing a new ISO. Luckily I needed Centos 7 instead of Centos 8, so I would have had to wipe it anyway. But it seems the generalk consensus is that you cant get in. I could only get into EFI console, and from there I have no idea how to access the harddrives. If I could, that would solve the problem.
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Thanks for the help. An upvote would be nice as I cant currently post more questions. I have a +10k rep on stackoverflow, but somehow here nobody likes my questions :(

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