
Log arptables dropped frames

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I have a gateway in the form of a Ubuntu Server VM. To prevent unauthorized devices to connect to the gateway, there is an Access Control List (ACL) on the gateway which is based on arptables: basically to let a device communicate with the gateway the device's MAC address has to be added to the ACL via a script that generates the relevant arptables rules, all traffic from unknown MAC addresses is blocked by default. Now some devices have an unstable connection with the gateway and I suspect it is the ACL's fault. To test this hypotesys I was looking into logging arptables' activity but so far I wasn't able to find a way to do this. I was only able to find this about iptables, but it isn't working for arptables: How can I log which frames get dropped by arptables? EDIT: I also found this one, but I don't understand how it is supposed to work:


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