
Can one pre-populate a directory (e.g., on EFS) for an EKS cluster?

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We want to run an interactive application on AWS that should be able to read and write a common workspace directory on a shared filesystem. Our approach so far was to use EFS for the shared data, and to use a PersistentVolumeClaim to reference it. However, the dynamically provisioned PersistentVolume will always create a new empty directory on EFS.

Is it possible to pre-populate an EFS directory and to set up an EKS cluster with persistent volumes accessing that directory?

It seems to be possible to do that with EBS, but then we could only mount that workspace into a single pod. We would like to have multiple pods access the same, pre-populated directory (but we're not limited to using EFS). Are we overlooking anything?

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I previously opened for this problem, but that question may have been weirdly phrased and focused on the PV claim lifetime.

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