
How to connect QEMU directly to the outside network using command line?

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My host has 1 Ethernet controller with the IP address, and I want the virtual machine to be on the same subnet with the address

Basically it is making a bridge interface on the host with the old IP address, and a tap interface as a member of that bridge, and use that tap interface as the backend of the virtual machine network interface. All tutorial I found always instruct me to use libvirt or virt-manager. I don't want any layer of abstration, and want to manually create the bridge on the host and use pure qemu-system-x86_64 syntax.

How can I do it? Command line syntax is fine, but I am also interested in netplan syntax because it is persistent between Ubuntu reboots. I can create the bridge using netplan configuration file already, but do not know how to add a tap device to it.


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