
After enable winrm qc the host is not accessible using rdp windows

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I have one host. I was connected it using RDP Windows and then I just enable the winrm by using winrm qc

and then I logout from that host.

Now today when I was trying to access it it is not able to give permission to access it.

login failed invalid credentials. But I am using same credentials.

Please help me

DarkMoon avatar
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AFAIK, WinRM and RDP aren't related. One is for viewing a remote desktop, the other is a remote management protocol for tools (like PowerShell, where I use it most). Did you try logging on locally? Is it a standalone host, part of a domain, joined to Azure, etc?
Rajarshi Das avatar
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yes through remote desktop I was connecting it but after ran those winrm command and then logout yesterday from today I am not able to login using remote desktop to that host to run some other is saying invalid credentials .....did winrm change the configuration/credentails??
DarkMoon avatar
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It shouldn't change any usernames or passwords; from the Microsoft Docs: The winrm quickconfig command (or the abbreviated version winrm qc) performs these operations: 1) Starts the WinRM service, and sets the service startup type to auto-start 2) Configures a listener for the ports that send and receive WS-Management protocol messages using either HTTP or HTTPS on any IP address 3) Defines ICF exceptions for the WinRM service, and opens the ports for HTTP and HTTPS
Rajarshi Das avatar
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ok @DarkMoon .....

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