
Can't run command under /bin/false user

cn flag

Centos 8.

There is snowuser:

[snowuser@snowcannon-01 ~]$ cat /etc/passwd | grep snowuser  
[snowuser@snowcannon-01 ~]$ groups  
snowuser wheel

There is tomcat user:

[snowuser@snowcannon-01 ~]$ cat /etc/passwd | grep tomcat  

cat /etc/group | grep "tomcat\|snowuser"  

Trying to run Tomcat's start script under tomcat user:

/bin/su tomcat -c /opt/tomcat/bin/

But got nothing meaning that neither any error message appeared nor Tomcat process was executed.

Only one detail I have is that command was being executed with errors:

[snowuser@snowcannon-01 ~]$ echo $?

Seems tomcat user has proper permissions for the script execution:

[snowuser@snowcannon-01 ~]$ ll /opt/tomcat/bin/ 
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 tomcat tomcat 1904 Nov 11 15:14 /opt/tomcat/bin/

How can I make Tomcat running?

Andrew Henle avatar
ph flag
How was Tomcat installed? If there's a Tomcat service it can be started with something like `systemctl start tomcat`.
cn flag
I just downloaded Tomcat as tar.gz file, unpacked & copied files to /opt/tomcat folder
br flag

Setting the default shell to /bin/false means that su will switch user, and then execute

/bin/false -c /opt/tomcat/bin/

You can use the -s option to su to override the setting in /etc/passwd, but this is only permitted if the calling user is root, or the existing entry in /etc/passwd is listed in /etc/shells.

kmort avatar
ru flag
Crazy note..... for my version of busybox, that last line is super important: `only permitted if ... the existing entry in /etc/passwd is listed in /etc/shells`. This _includes_ /bin/false. In other words, if your user account's shell is set to /bin/false, you can't su to it with the -s option unless you also place /bin/false into the /etc/shells file. Unexpected.
br flag
That is the same for any correct implementation of `su` -- if the login shell is set to `/bin/false`, it is supposed to be impossible to log in, but users should be allowed to use a different shell if they want, so there is a list of valid shells that users can use directly.

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