
Login Times out after reboot and im unable to login to the server

sn flag

I have an old SLES 12 SP1 (no GUI) server that I recently patched and when I reboot the server it was just showing me an empty black screen and the mouse pointer. (Tried multiple Ctrl+Alt+F1-F9, and nothing happens)

So I edited Grub and added nomodeset. Now the server gives me the login screen and seems fine.

Then when I enter the username and passwd, the server just shows a cursor and after a while it sort of refreshes and promts for login details again. I've tried so many times, and tried with different users account. It's doesn't even say incorrect passwd etc, it just refreshes the screen. Also some times it will show login timed out before it refreshes the screen.

Any idea on what could cause this issue??

us flag
Does SSH work for you? I would check the logs, the patch may have brought some package trouble or something, try to revert it. If you don't have access you could try with a rescue DVD and see if you can find anything there.

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