
Multiple IKE SAs with Strongswan VPN

cn flag

I have a VPN between one server (Debian 10, Strongswan 5.7.2) and a partner server (Stormshield SN510). All run fine, my others servers can reach the partner one on HTTPS via the VPN.

But IKE SAs stay actives, until I have 70 of them and the partner VPN endpoint have problems to handle them.

For example, a small subset (I removed every IP on purpose)

root@ipsec1:/etc# sudo swanctl -l
partner: #1837, ESTABLISHED, IKEv2
  established 669s ago, reauth in 19183s
  partner-phase2: #2629, reqid 26, INSTALLED, TUNNEL, ESP:AES_CBC-256/HMAC_SHA2_256_128
    installed 669s ago, rekeying in 1990s, expires in 2931s
    in  cd63b8c2,      0 bytes,     0 packets
    out cacc8158,      0 bytes,     0 packets
  partner-phase2: #2630, reqid 26, INSTALLED, TUNNEL, ESP:AES_CBC-256/HMAC_SHA2_256_128
    installed 669s ago, rekeying in 2087s, expires in 2931s
    in  c859fcff,      0 bytes,     0 packets
    out c2e8b52a,      0 bytes,     0 packets
  partner-phase2: #2631, reqid 26, INSTALLED, TUNNEL, ESP:AES_CBC-256/HMAC_SHA2_256_128
    installed 669s ago, rekeying in 1853s, expires in 2932s
    in  cb8845a0,      0 bytes,     0 packets
    out c3507f7a,      0 bytes,     0 packets
  partner-phase2: #2632, reqid 26, INSTALLED, TUNNEL, ESP:AES_CBC-256/HMAC_SHA2_256_128
    installed 668s ago, rekeying in 2188s, expires in 2932s
    in  c281ec0f,      0 bytes,     0 packets
    out c290fff2,      0 bytes,     0 packets
  partner-phase2: #2633, reqid 26, INSTALLED, TUNNEL, ESP:AES_CBC-256/HMAC_SHA2_256_128
    installed 668s ago, rekeying in 1913s, expires in 2932s
    in  c73a42eb,      0 bytes,     0 packets
    out ca21c339,      0 bytes,     0 packets

Here is the configuration file

conn partner
conn partner-phase2

Extract from charon.log

[2021-11-25 10:22:57] 06[IKE] <partner|1837>   activating CHILD_REKEY task
[2021-11-25 10:22:57] 06[IKE] <partner|1837> establishing CHILD_SA partner-phase2{2675} reqid 26
[2021-11-25 10:22:57] 06[ENC] <partner|1837> generating CREATE_CHILD_SA request 80 [ N(REKEY_SA) SA No KE TSi TSr ]
[2021-11-25 10:22:57] 06[NET] <partner|1837> sending packet: from xx.xx.xx.xx[4500] to xx.xx.xx.xx[4500] (736 bytes)
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 16[NET] <partner|1837> received packet: from xx.xx.xx.xx[4500] to xx.xx.xx.xx[4500] (208 bytes)
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 16[ENC] <partner|1837> parsed CREATE_CHILD_SA response 80 [ N(ESP_TFC_PAD_N) SA No TSi TSr ]
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 16[IKE] <partner|1837> received ESP_TFC_PADDING_NOT_SUPPORTED notify
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 16[IKE] <partner|1837> received ESP_TFC_PADDING_NOT_SUPPORTED, not using ESPv3 TFC padding
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 16[CFG] <partner|1837> selected proposal: ESP:AES_CBC_256/HMAC_SHA2_256_128/NO_EXT_SEQ
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 16[IKE] <partner|1837> ignoring KE exchange, agreed on a non-PFS proposal
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 16[IKE] <partner|1837> inbound CHILD_SA partner-phase2{2675} established with SPIs cede52fe_i c22f460a_o and TS xx.xx.xx.xx/32 === xx.xx.xx.xx/24
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 16[IKE] <partner|1837> outbound CHILD_SA partner-phase2{2675} established with SPIs cede52fe_i c22f460a_o and TS xx.xx.xx.xx/32 === xx.xx.xx.xx/24
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 16[IKE] <partner|1837> reinitiating already active tasks
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 16[IKE] <partner|1837>   CHILD_REKEY task
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 16[IKE] <partner|1837> closing CHILD_SA partner-phase2{2641} with SPIs c48f9704_i (0 bytes) c8d17eb6_o (0 bytes) and TS xx.xx.xx.xx/32 === xx.xx.xx.xx/24
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 16[IKE] <partner|1837> sending DELETE for ESP CHILD_SA with SPI c48f9704
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 16[ENC] <partner|1837> generating INFORMATIONAL request 81 [ D ]
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 16[NET] <partner|1837> sending packet: from xx.xx.xx.xx[4500] to xx.xx.xx.xx[4500] (80 bytes)
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 07[NET] <partner|1837> received packet: from xx.xx.xx.xx[4500] to xx.xx.xx.xx[4500] (80 bytes)
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 07[ENC] <partner|1837> parsed INFORMATIONAL response 81 [ D ]
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 07[IKE] <partner|1837> received DELETE for ESP CHILD_SA with SPI c8d17eb6
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 07[IKE] <partner|1837> CHILD_SA closed
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 07[IKE] <partner|1837> activating new tasks
[2021-11-25 10:22:58] 07[IKE] <partner|1837> nothing to initiate
cn flag
The status output shows multiple CHILD_SAs, not IKE_SAs. Or are there other IKE_SAs that you cut? The log is not really helpful as it just shows a regular rekeying. You'd have to read a log from the very beginning (when the IKE_SA is created) and follow it to see when and by whom CHILD_SAs are created (might be the other end in which case you'd have to read their log to see why).

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Most people don’t grasp that asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding. In Alison’s studies, for example, though people could accurately recall how many questions had been asked in their conversations, they didn’t intuit the link between questions and liking. Across four studies, in which participants were engaged in conversations themselves or read transcripts of others’ conversations, people tended not to realize that question asking would influence—or had influenced—the level of amity between the conversationalists.