
Traffic is not being spread evenly between replicas of OpenFaas functions

cn flag

As per this documentation, I have configured direct_functions to false, which allows the provider to balance traffic between replicas of OpenFaas functions. But it sends the traffic to only one replica. Without using any service mesh solution how do I archive the fairly balance the traffic to all pods that are related to one openfaas function? I have deployed OpenFaas on the EKS cluster.

br flag

I hope you have set the service type as loadbalancer. Additionally please check the following link.

Damith Udayanga avatar
cn flag
As per the above link, Disabling the KeepAlive connection cant be done because there is a requirement to have a KeepAlive connection. At last, I have configured the Linkerd as a solution for this. Thank you for your suggestion.

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