
aws - ECS capacity provider permission

bd flag

I'm trying out teraform for managing my infrastructure and got into a bit of an issue and I'm not sure what to look for.

I'm attempting to create a capacity provider for my ECS cluster however I'm getting the following error

ClientException: The capacity provider could not be created because you do not have autoscaling:CreateOrUpdateTags permissions to create tags on the Auto Scaling group

Below are my files:

Launch config and autoscale group creation

resource "aws_launch_configuration" "ecs_launch_configuration" {
    name = "ecs_launch_configuration"
    image_id = "ami-0fe19057e9cb4efd8"
    user_data = "#!/bin/bash\necho ECS_CLUSTER=ecs_cluster >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config"
    security_groups = []
    iam_instance_profile =
    key_name = "key_pair_name"
    instance_type = "t2.small"

resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "ecs_autoScale_group" {
    name                      = "ecs_autoScale_group"
    desired_capacity          = 1
    min_size                  = 1
    max_size                  = 2
    launch_configuration =
    vpc_zone_identifier = []
    tag {
        key                 = "AmazonECSManaged"
        value               = true
        propagate_at_launch = true

ECS Cluster and capacity provider creation

resource "aws_ecs_cluster" "ecs_cluster"{
    name = "ecs_cluster"
    capacity_providers = [ ]

resource "aws_ecs_capacity_provider" "ecs_capacity_provider" {
    name = "ecs_capacity_provider"
    auto_scaling_group_provider {
        auto_scaling_group_arn = aws_autoscaling_group.ecs_autoScale_group.arn
        managed_scaling {
            maximum_scaling_step_size = 2
            minimum_scaling_step_size = 1
            status                    = "ENABLED"
            target_capacity           = 1

I was able to create this from the console's GUI, however only terraform returns this error.

Help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Tim avatar
gp flag
The error message looked pretty clear to me. What identity or role does Terraform use? It doesn't have a permission it needs. "you do not have autoscaling:CreateOrUpdateTags permissions to create tags on the Auto Scaling group"
id flag

It sounds like your console GUI user and your CLI user have different permissions. Are you running terraform from some CI/CD pipeline perhaps?

What if you run this terrafotm script from CloudShell (CLI terminal icon in the top-right group of icons, next to account, support, etc)? That will have the same permissions as your GUI user - good way to narrow down if it’s a problem with your TF or with the creds.


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