
Log TCP Client port on apache mod_proxy

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Using an Apache 2.4 Reverse Proxy (with mod_proxy) that connects to a backend HTTP service we have the following(simplified) series of TCP connections:

client ClientIP:random_port1 ---> <IP1:443 port> reverse_proxy <IP2:random_port2> ---> <IP3:8443 port> backend svc

We also get the following error in mod_proxy suggesting that we cannot make the second connection(IP2:random_port2 ---> <IP3:8443 port>):

AH01114: HTTP: failed to make connection to backend

NOTE: This is a random error occuring on a small percentage of the requests. In most cases we have no issue.

On the process of troubleshooting the route between the Reverse Proxy and the backend I wonder whether there is a way to log the IP2:random_port2 pair on the Apache log so that we can track which exactly TCP stream has given the AH01114 error, using a packet trace capture in parallel.


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