
aws s3 bucket mounting on CentOS

th flag

I need to change the AWS credentials I use for mounting an S3 bucket to a CentOS 7.7 instance. As root, I un-mount the FS and change the contents of the /etc/passwd-s3fs file to reflect the new credentials. Then I run "mount -a" (since the proper entry is in place in /etc/fstab), and get no error, but the bucket is not mounted. The new credentials I'm using are already used for bucket mounting on another instance, so there is no issue of them being problematic in some way. And when I restore the previous password file above, the mounting works again.

Is there a step I'm missing here? Do I need to restart fuse or something? It's as if the credentials need to be refreshed within some system process.


Andrew Gaul avatar
cn flag
Can you try mounting without fstab and running it in the foreground via: `s3fs -f`? This should allow you to see the error in the logs. If this still doesn't work you might try adding `-d` to get debug logs.

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