
DNS - delegation - broadcast and network IP adresses

br flag

Is it a problem if I delegate network and broadcast addresses as part of network delegation in DNS?

I am following instructions for classless delegation of network on Zytrax (3.3 Reverse Map Delegation).

In the example from Zytrax (bellow) it's mentioned that all addresses except network and broadcast need to be defined.

; definition of our target subnet 
; name servers for subnet reverse map
64/27         IN  NS
64/27         IN  NS
; IPs addresses in the subnet - all need to be defined
; except 64 and 95 since they are the subnets
; network and broadcast addresses not hosts/nodes
65            IN  CNAME   65.64/ ;qualified
66            IN  CNAME   66.64/27 ;unqualified name

I understand that I don't have to delegate network and broadcast addresses.

However, if I already have delegations with network and broadcast addresses in my zone files, is it OK to leave them as they are or should I fix it to avoid problems?

br flag
@Zac67 - I will edit the question and remove the classless as it isn't relevant.
bd flag

Delegating the network and broadcasting addresses won't serve any purpose but doesn't do any harm either.


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