
Elasticsearch php client : server priority

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Actual configuration: Consider a cluster of Elasticsearch 6.8 servers. Each server node has a cluster of ETL nodes (PHP Elasticsearch client). All the ETLs are configured to connect to all Elasticsearches.

  • Datacenter A
    • Elasticsearch server
    • ETL nodes
  • Datacenter B
    • Elasticsearch server
    • ETL nodes
  • ...

Question: Is there a way to tell the ETL nodes to import primarily to their local Elasticsearch server, and if down only, to any other one ?


  • The first idea would be that on the ETLs, only the local server is configured. But in case of outage (or why not in case of overload) there would be no backup.
  • I also thinked about geo-DNS-ing, but the result is the same.
  • Using a load-balancer may solve the overload problem by conception, but will direct all the traffic across the datacenters, wich is what i don't want and would not change much to the actual.

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